Monday, April 06, 2009

My Dream~

Once upon a time there was a girl.  Although she was born with a fearlessly open heart, years on earth took their toll and painted her heart shut.  Even so, she surrounded herself with open hearted people, thought open hearted thoughts, and wrote open hearted words.  

None of her open hearted activities brought her relief from her open heart painted shut.  So with sorrow, she resolved to live the best life she could with an open heart painted shut.

One day, many years later, she had a dream.  She dreamt that she had an open heart painted shut.  As she started peeling the layers of paint away, she noticed her own fears in each layer of paint.  She peeled and peeled and looked all of her fears in the eye as she handed each one off to the wind.

When she awoke from the dream, she realized her heart was no longer painted shut.  She rejoiced in her fully open heart and showed it to everyone she came across.  As more and more people met her, they too started to slowly peel away their layers of paint and fear.  One day, the entire world had peeled away their layers of paint and fear and were celebrating with their fully radiant open hearts.

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