Thursday, August 17, 2006

And So It Is

My annual sabbatical begins today. By the time I arrive back home three weeks from now, I will be a completely different human. My yearly theme has also presented itself: Divine Self-Love. I realized the other day that I have questioned my deservingness of someone amazing. This brought me to the question of why this might be. Well, no answers lie in that field so I then began to ask myself, "What would make me feel more worthy?" And so this journey begins with undulations of self-acknowledgement, self-gratitude, and self-appreciation. It makes so much sense that this focus would offset the imbalance that existst in my life where serving people is concerned. This thing: having the ability to serve others in many ways is markedly the greatest gift I was bestowed in this life time and simultaneously the biggest burden I will carry. I've known this thing for most of my life, though it hasn't been acknowledged for what it is until most recently. I feel like cultivating a reservoir of self-love will balance the ever-shifting life scales that my Libranness so desperately desires to maintain balanced.
I have an inkling that many things are in store for me on this journey, on many levels. For as it appears right now, self-love is a discovery of self, self-acceptance, and self-rejuvination. How could an excursion colored so beautifully be one so rarely taken? I am here to find out. I know that it won't be all above ground for the Shadow Self is very much alive here and has been rearing its head as of recent.
Whatever my journey looks like, I embrace it 100%, love every minute of it, and throw myself right in the middle of it, roll around, rub it in, and come out on the other side a more loving, deep, colorful, grounded, and well-rounded human for I designed this journey and this is what I choose NOW~

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Living Prophecy

We are literally prophesying ourselves awake. Our cells are alive and listening to everything we say to them and are as receptive as the quality of the substances that we put into them. Everything around us, though seemingly dense, really harbors more space in between the molecules than the actual molecules themselves. Nothing in our world is concrete or fixed. Everything is always changing, or waiting to change. We are so powerful that we might amaze ourselves if we allowed space for our natural tendencies to spring forth and change reality right before our eyes.
I experienced this so fully this last week. I decided that the blockages in my solar plexus and throat areas were going to be released right now and that the only reason why my healing had to be a process was if I made that decision. So I chose healing NOW. It was uncomfortable, indeed. But it was quick and it left me insanely inspiring messages along the way. Not only that but because of the physical discomfort I was forced to eliminate all unessentials from my diet/lifestyle and focus solely on the potent nutrients and goodness available. My physical vehicle has never felt so clear and alive. I have literally re-trained my cells to desire breathe instead of sugar or coffee, or any other life-force-limiting activity that I was previously distracted by.
But this party isn't completely happy and fluffy. A lot of sludge is coming up. It's like that oh-so-common metaphor of pouring the water in the glass that is half full of mud so when you pour it in, the mud is aroused and pushed all around but if you continue to pour water, the glass will eventually be clear, pure water. And so this the narrative of my world right now. All of my inner grungies are rearing their heads and I love them for being keen enough to want to be dealt with by this cleansing process but wow. . . sometimes I want to tell the whole world to go away, leave me alone for about two months, and when they come back, don't ask me to do anything, be anywhere, or acquiesce to any expectations ever again! Thank you for coming into my world. . . leave your demand at the door~

Monday, August 07, 2006

Our Mission

It was revealed that a fellow Moontribe family member took his own life this weekend. How ever did I miss the sorrow inside of this one? He was one of infinite smiles, real and heartcore hugs, and someone who always seemed to be there. The deepest part of me knows he chose not to be here for this time. It is an intense shift at this time on the planet and not all humans are ready or willing to participate from this plane. I know he is assisting in his own way from another frequency of existence and yet I can't seem to shake this sorrow today. I don't watch TV, subjugate myself to the media, or read propaganda. What I am is witness to what the average human life consists of. How is this planet ever going to heal if we are all walking around unconscious and controlled by our addictions? As I fight my own addictions on this day, I'm asking for Universal Assistance to process this sadness that rests inside me today, give it back to the earth so she can transmutate it, and contribute to the healing process of The Mama, the human race, and the Universe in general. On this day that is what I can do. I will continue to know that I am a LightWorker and I came here for a purpose. Thank you humans, non-physical energies, and All That Is. It is a blessing to be here at this time.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Universal Significance

"Not everyone can or will do that-give his specific fears and desires a chance to be of universal significance. One must believe that private dilemmas are, if deeply examined, universal, and so, if expressed, have a human value beyond the private, and one must also believe in the vehicle for expressing them, in the talent."

May Sarton feels this way and I can see why. But since we are all connected, if my innards are expressed here does that mean that others will benefit without even reading? My knowing is that any thought, feeling, or insight that I may have will benefit all humans, just as their's benefits me but whether that is conscious or unconscious I'm sure depends on the level of ingestion.
So I will write and if some random soul happens to stumble onto this page, I will be just as greatful as if noone ever reads this for I am writing to the ethers and the ethers are eternally receiving.