Sunday, January 25, 2009

When it goes gray

I have gray hair. It started coming in a few years ago but this year I'm choosing to allow it. To me it's a sign that I have made it this far (alive and still surly sometimes- a good thing) and that I must have some sort of knowledge base if my hair starts growing gray.

I'm 27 and I have gray hair.
What I have learned so far in my short time here on Earth:

-how to let my tears flow when they come

-listen ... even when no one is talking

-Love is more than a feeling

-my family is forever ... even when I wish it wasn't

-family is way more than blood and who grew up under your roof

-friends can be lost even if they are still alive

-no relationship is ever 'over' especially if the person is still alive

-chocolate covered coffee beans and champagne can be a lethal combination

-giving is much easier than receiving ... especially in the realm of Love

-I have some work to do in the way of receiving ... especially in the realm of Love

-one can never dance too much

-there is nothing that compares to the feeling of letting tears flow down your face, drop onto your clothing, and allowing the tear paths to dry without intervening

-Moms and Dads are forever

-everyone in a body possesses some sort of creativity

-following feelings is always the best way to go ... and sometimes the hardest

-don't date your neighbor .... or your co-worker's brother .... or a brother's friend ... except when they are really attractive

-one can never have too many brother's ... especially when you are a sister

-many things can be worked out inside one's head while driving ... especially if there is no destination

-when in doubt, say yes

-when in doubt about buying clothes, say no

-sex is like riding a bike, with the right one you never forget

-music is better than drugs

-being human is so worth it

-writing is always better than not writing