Friday, November 03, 2006

The Moon in Full Bloom

I saw the moon today. . . in broad daylight. One of my favorite phenomenons of all times, I basked in the knowing that our Divine Essences are much like the moon. A lot of the time you can only see it in certain instances - when the sky is dark, right before dusk, right as the sun is rising - but there are so many times when you can also see it in the middle of the day. The key is to look.
I watched a dirty man with no shoes, a ridiculously long, grey beared, and plastic grocery bags in each hand walk across a crosswalk today. I could feel his deepest heart's yearning, the yearning that lives at the heart of all beings, to give and receive love; to have others know him as he really is - a Divine Spark of the Creator's intelligence. I could feel him. I could also feel the treachorous, bumpy, and long road he has traveled in this life so far. But in my heart, in that moment, the latter was far less of a feeling and impact than that deep longing that was radiating from his heart. I wondered if any other unknown observer had felt that same thing from him. I wondered if he was an angel crossing my path to remind me of what all humans are at their deepest core. I wondered if he had any inkling of my silent but sincere blessing aimed directly for his heart center.
We are all here. We are all human (well, most of us). We are all heartcore at the very deepest level. Where is the need for cursing an unknown driver? What purpose does it serve to send anger to the voice on the other end of a telemarketer call? Why is it important to make sure someone knows how much they have pissed you off in some way? Why do I see these things on such a regular basis?
I know that these answers will never come. What I do know is that I see the counterpart of these situations all around me. I see a genuine smile signaling that it's okay for me to enter traffic. I hear someone tell me that they understand my plight and will do everything in their power to assist me with it. I watch strangers exchange hello's on the street. These small but heart-sparking acts of kindness are the seeds of shifts that occur every day. I am not alone when I say that I know this to be true. And by me simply being the witness to these things, I am also assisting the shift that is happening in the heartiest place inside - the heart center. It was proven somewhere that a person who committed an act of kindness had an increase in their seratonin levels. In addition to that, the receiver of that act of kindness also showed a raise in the seratonin levels. Not only that. . . a witness to this act of kindness also showed increases in seratonin levels! How amazing is that!?? Do we want to cure depression? Do we want to affect everyone around us? Do we want to wake up the planet, ourselves, and establish the long-desired truth that is always available but rarely acknowledged? We are a part of one another. We are all the same. We are on this planet, together, right now, for a reason. Whatever anyone decides that is, really doesn't matter. What we decide to do with it will determine what evolutionary path we decide to take.
We're here. . . now, together. What are you gonna do about it?