Sunday, September 10, 2006


What an amazing, insight-filled, and outrageous journey! So many lessons, so many unexpected occurences, and so many brilliant surprises taking place every second. I truly experienced how ultimately we really do create our own reality. I am the main player in my story and I know that I create everything that happens in my space at every second.
It was a disappointment that one of my closest and dearest friends chose other things this year, rather than gallavanting with our family to the desolate desert. It was a challenge for me to comprehend as it was an indirect choice and one that I still can't understand. But my own deeper lesson came out of this. I have been such a solo wanderer, vagabond, and experiencer that I now acknowledge my desire for fellow fringe-dwellers to walk alongside me on this journey of life on a more consistent basis. I, for the first time in my life, crave and know that there is a significant one yearning for me to discover a place that we may merge and walk together because our passion for walking the path of the Divine is so amazingly congruent. I feel it, I know it, It Is.
I am now ready to make space for people to visit my inner terrain more often and stay awhile. I allow people to accompany me during times that I may usually and sternly request to be alone. I know that although it is sometimes more work to work with people, the benefits are absolutely worthwhile and more than I can comprehend at this time. I give up my addiction to control and open myself to sporadic moments of clarity with other people. I am inviting ones that resonate with me and hold their own aspirations high and outright so as to attract people like myself.
I love this Universe! I love being human! I love everything about all the energies that surround me and allow me to express exactly what I am in any given moment. I am most honored to be on this planet, be a part of this story, and stand clearly in my power and knowingness that this is one magnificent and extraordinarily beautiful journey~

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