Monday, January 04, 2010

Writing, Friends, and Hearts

Oh how I've missed writing here ... the feel of the keys sliding under my fingers ... knowing absolutely anything can come out ... waiting to see what else sits inside of me.

This, my second day living at work with 5 jetlagged kids and 4 dogs, brings me a comfort and fatigue that I don't seem to get anywhere else. I am not a mother and I have no current plans to be one but I have the satisfaction of knowing that today my presence has affected some kids in a way that I hope they take out into the world.
I can't describe how or why it feels so good to live at and for work in these short bursts of time where I almost completely forget that I have a life and almost entirely about me .... it is so calming and fulfilling.

My writing seemed to have subsided right around the last time I actually started to open my heart. It was not just to one person but two at almost exactly the same time. I disregarded all personal space and allowed two different people to completely inundate my life ... my world ... my apartment.
Emotional Challenge- something I usually shy away from. I delved in. It may be that I am once again alone, with a new apartment, a different version of myself, and much more insight than I started with. I don't consider any of it a failure. I opened my heart. And although both people I freely let in are now entirely gone, I don't regret one moment of it. I have had three very close people comment on the fact that I actually opened my heart to a boy ... I had no idea that it was so evident to an outsider but that has not been my MO for boy situations for some years now ... but I may be cured.

More than a couple of times in the last few months I have thought to myself, why not? Why not fully open your heart at every single opportunity? Why not delve into the emotional unknown to see what we are really made of? And although I might land on my face, I will be all the better for it.

Thank you All That Is for this Heart; I will use it to it's fullest potential and treat it with the highest respect. I will show it to everyone I meet and let them see for themselves how amazing it really is. I will own it, care for it, and Love it as if it were another's. I will not take it for granted and I will ask others to celebrate having a heart with me. Thank you.

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