Saturday, May 09, 2009

A Gift

"What is needed is not a change of circumstance, but a change of perception."

Someone really smart said that at some time, somewhere.  I haven't felt the meaning of that sentence so intensly for quite awhile .... until today.

Today a lovely friend reminded me that the second I get over how I'm feeling, I can start looking at other people's inner workings and appreciate how different we are.  Nothing is wrong unless I make it that way.  Every experience is an opportunity to appreciate myself and other people on a deeper level.

The other very insightful gift this friend gave me today: if I continue to close my heart the way I have been, people will continue to be a different version of themselves in my presence.  Energy naturally responds to energy.  I have seen this, and experienced this, over and over again.

Today I am set free by a few inspiring words from someone who is so not the average individual.  

Today I can finally see the gift in the disappearing act.

Today I can let it go.

Today I can accept ALL THINGS without judgement or shame.

Today is a new day and I am a more luminous, better version of myself on this day.

Today I have embraced The Gift.

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