Saturday, August 05, 2006

Universal Significance

"Not everyone can or will do that-give his specific fears and desires a chance to be of universal significance. One must believe that private dilemmas are, if deeply examined, universal, and so, if expressed, have a human value beyond the private, and one must also believe in the vehicle for expressing them, in the talent."

May Sarton feels this way and I can see why. But since we are all connected, if my innards are expressed here does that mean that others will benefit without even reading? My knowing is that any thought, feeling, or insight that I may have will benefit all humans, just as their's benefits me but whether that is conscious or unconscious I'm sure depends on the level of ingestion.
So I will write and if some random soul happens to stumble onto this page, I will be just as greatful as if noone ever reads this for I am writing to the ethers and the ethers are eternally receiving.

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